Hornchurch Academy Trust


Page Downloads Date  
HAT Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31st August 2022 20th Dec 2022 Download
HAT Anti-Bullying Statement May 2023 21st Sep 2023 Download
HAT Complaint Form 21st Sep 2023 Download
HAT Equality Information Objectives Policy 2021-25 06th Feb 2023 Download
HAT Equality Policy 2023-24 13th Sep 2021 Download
HAT Remote Education Policy 29th Mar 2021 Download
HAT Uniform Policy 2022 20th Jul 2022 Download
HAT Complaints Policy 2023-24 21st Sep 2023 Download
HAT Accessibility Plan 2023-25 03rd Oct 2023 Download
UJS Lunchbox & Snack Policy May 2023 09th Oct 2023 Download
HAT Behaviour Policy 2023-25 01st Nov 2023 Download
HAT Charging & Remissions Policy 2023-25 01st Nov 2023 Download
HAT Exclusion Policy 2023-24 01st Nov 2023 Download
UJS Behaviour Policy 2024-25 22nd Jul 2024 Download
Page Documents Date Category  
Gluten/Dairy Free School Dinner Menu 26th Feb 2024 Menus Download
HAT Term Dates 2024-25 16th Oct 2023 Term Dates Download
School Dinner Allergen Data Sheet 26th Feb 2024 Menus Download
School Dinner Carbohydrate Report 26th Feb 2024 Menus Download
School Dinner Menu Feb - Oct 2024 26th Feb 2024 Menus Download